This page explains how to backup a local MediaWiki installation to iCloud.

Create backup

I’m backing up to an iCloud folder. My MediaWiki is at /Users/jano/MediaWiki/notes and I’m going to backup to iCloud/storage/backup/localnotes.


# Mediawiki folder to backup

mkdir -p "$SOURCE_DIR"

# Target folder where backup are stored

TARGET_DIR="/Users/jano/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/storage/backup/localnotes"
mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR"

echo "Backing up the website"
tar -czf "$TARGET_DIR/web_$(date +%m_%d_%y).tgz" "$SOURCE_DIR"

echo "Backing up the database"
mysqldump -u mediawiki --password=YourSecretPassword --single-transaction -B notes | gzip > "$TARGET_DIR/mysql_$(date +%m_%d_%y)_notes.gz"

echo "Finished."
open "$TARGET_DIR"
exit 0

There is a way to store the database password outside the script. Create a file ~/.my.cnf with this content:


Ensure only your user can read it:

chmod 600 ~/.my.cnf

In mysqldump replace --password=YourSecretPassword with --defaults-file=~/.my.cnf.

Restore backup

Restore the database:

sudo mysql -u root
# Restore the database backup. This will create a database called 'notes'.
SOURCE mysql_09_22_23_notes;

# Create a user. This should match the user in LocalSettings.php
CREATE USER 'mediawiki'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'MySecretPassword';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON notes.* TO 'mediawiki'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;


If you have a previous version, copy the whole folder:

rm -rf /Users/jano/MediaWiki/notes/
rsync -av /Users/jano/Developer/backup_rsync/www/notes/ /Users/jano/MediaWiki/notes/
cd /Users/jano/MediaWiki/notes/
Update PHP dependencies using Composer:

cd /Users/jano/MediaWiki/notes/
brew install composer 
composer update --no-dev

Relocate folder

If you need to relocate the MediaWiki installation to a different folder, edit the following.

In notes/LocalSettings.php:

$wgDebugLogFile = "/Users/jano/MediaWiki/debug.log";
$wgUploadDirectory = "/Users/jano/MediaWiki/notes/images";
In httpd.conf:

DocumentRoot "/Users/jano/MediaWiki/notes"
<Directory "/Users/jano/MediaWiki/notes">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

Upgrade MediaWiki

To upgrade MediaWiki you have to replace the folder with the last version, but first you need to backup the following files:


After the installation, you need to compare the old LocalSettings.php with the backup version and copy back the customizations. I could move the custom section to an additional file, but I rather review the whole thing.

For more questions, see also MediaWiki FAQ.