The Observation framework provides a macro based implementation of the observer design pattern. It’s designed to be used with SwiftUI and available in the Swift standard library since iOS 17.
To create an observable class annotate it with the macro @Observable. Note that this macro can only be used with classes, not structs or other types.
importObservation@ObservablefinalclassPerson{varname:String// no need for @Published!}
To observe changes from SwiftUI no action is needed, just add a reference to the object:
importSwiftUIstructPersonView:View{letperson:Person// no need for @State!varbody:someView{Text( will refresh when name changes}}
Note that in this example we were using a reference passed from a parent view.
Mind this subtle detail: ParentView view isn’t displaying the name property in its body. Therefore, it doesn’t redraw when changes.
However, if ParentViewwas displaying the name (accessing it in the body), then changing the name would trigger a redraw, which would create a new instance of Person. To maintain instance identity across redraws, we would need to add @State.
This highlights how the Observation framework works at the property access level: SwiftUI only redraws views that actually access the modified properties during rendering. A view can change a property of an object it holds without being redrawn unless it displays that property.
Let’s see an example where ParentView changes the instance itself:
Now we are not replacing a property but the entire reference with a new instance. Only @State can preserve this kind of state change across view redraws. To summarize the two scenarios:
Modifying properties of an Observable object: let is sufficient if the view doesn’t display those properties
Replacing the entire Observable instance: @State is required
As for the PersonView child view, whether the parent uses @State or not, the child keeps using let. If we were to add @State to the child, it will preserve the instance that is first passed. That is, the child won’t observe the instance change performed by its parent. Usually you want parent and child to share state so this is generally a mistake.
So far the child is only displaying properties of an instance held by its parent. But what if it intends to change them? In this case we use @Bindable in the child, but note we don’t use $ in the parent, only in the child.
To change properties of an Observable passed by your parent use @Bindable:
structPersonView:View{@Bindableletperson:Person// to change properties of the parentvarbody:someView{TextField("Name",text:$}}structParentView:View{@Stateletperson=Person(name:"Alice")varbody:someView{PersonView(person:person)// do NOT use $ here}}
There are more unusual ways to perform property changes on a parent:
structPersonView:View{@Environment(Person.self)varperson:Personvarbody:someView{// creating a @Bindable at the top of your body@Bindablevarperson=self.personTextField("Name",text:$}}structPersonView:View{@Environment(Person.self)varperson:Personvarbody:someView{// instantiating a Binding struct inlineTextField("Name",text:.init(get:{},set:{$0}))}}
To pass a @Bindable in an init use the same format as with @State:
Finally, here is a copy paste-able example to play with.
Parent/child relationship
Copy this code in a fresh project to get the following:
importObservationimportSwiftUI@ObservablefinalclassPerson{varname:String// no need for @Published!init(name:String){}}structPersonView:View{// Use @Bindable to change properties@Bindablevarperson:Personvarbody:someView{VStack(alignment:.leading){Text("Child").font(.headline)Text("person name: \(")TextField("Name",text:$}}}structParentView:View{// Use @State if the instance itself changes@Statevarperson=Person(name:"Alice")varbody:someView{VStack(alignment:.leading){Text("Parent").font(.headline)Text("person name: \(")Button("change instance"){person=Person(name:"Mallory")}Button("change property"){"Bob"}PersonView(person:person).padding(.top,16)}}}@mainstructPersonsApp:App{varbody:someScene{WindowGroup{ParentView().padding().frame(alignment:.leading)}}}
The New Way to Build Views
Here a summary of the new (iOS 17+) way to build your views:
Use @Observable macro on classes whose properties you need to observe.
Use @State for local independent state.
Use @ObservationIgnored in the properties of an @Observable object to opt-out tracking.
Use @Bindable for two-way binding with Observable classes
Use @Binding for two-way binding with non-Observable types (struct, enum, actor)
The Observation framework does not use @StateObject as several LLM still recommend.
Property wrapper use
importObservationimportSwiftUI@ObservablefinalclassPerson{varname:String@ObservationIgnoredvarage:Int// won’t be trackedinit(name:String,age:Int){}}structPersonEditorView:View{@Bindablevarperson:Person// for two-way binding@StateprivatevarisEditing=false// local statevarbody:someView{VStack(spacing:16){// using local @StateToggle("Enable Editing",isOn:$isEditing)// two-way binding with @BindableTextField("Name",text:$!isEditing)// age is not tracked!Text("Age: \(person.age)").foregroundColor(.gray)// name is trackedText("Current name is: \(")}.padding()}}structContentView:View{letperson=Person(name:"John",age:30)varbody:someView{PersonEditorView(person:person)}}
Property changes automatically refresh the layout, even if the property
is used through a computed property
is nested through several @Observable objects
is outside the view hierarchy (e.g. a global variable or singleton)
is an optional @Observable unwrapped with an if let binding
is nil or it is a property of an optional object currently set to nil -in this case Observation tracks both the property and the optional reference.
Changes are only tracked for properties that are involved in the layout. For instance, referencing the property in a button action doesn’t track the property if it’s not being displayed.
Here are some examples about the bullet points above.
Optionals: tracking works reliably even if initially nil. The view will still refresh when you later assign a non-nil object to resource or modify its properties.
Collections: Given an array of @Observable objects, direct property changes will trigger a view refresh —as long as the view reads that property. If you read a value change it, but never put back the item in the collection you’re just mutating a local copy and it won’t affect the original. Here is an example that shows both ways of updating:
@ObservableclassFolderContainer{varfolders:[Folder]=[]funcdirectChange(){if!folders.isEmpty{folders[0].name="New Name"// direct change works}}funcreadChangeReplace(){// this also works:ifvarfolder=folders.first{// 1. read"Local Only"// 2. change itfolders[0]=folder// 3. put it back}}}
Other patterns that also work with collections:
// changes through multiple levelslibrary.categories[0].folders[1].isExpanded=true// calling on the object to toggle itselffolders[index].isExpanded.toggle()// copy and replacefolders[index]=folders[index].copy(isExpanded:newExpanded)// indirect modificationvarfoldersCopy=foldersfoldersCopy[index].isExpanded.toggle()folders=foldersCopy
Computed properties: if a view displays a computed property, changes to its constituent parts will trigger an update.
@ObservableclassPerson{varfirstName="Alice"varlastName="Smith"// views reading fullName refresh on changes to first or last namevarfullName:String{"\(firstName)\(lastName)"}funcrandomizeName(){firstName=["Bob","Charlie","Diana"].randomElement()!}}
Local references: mutation to local references are observed. If you unwrap or create a local reference to an Observable, changes are correctly observed.
@ObservableclassReferenceExample{varshared=SharedResource(name:"Original")funclocalChange(){// Despite 'var' here, this is a reference to the same"Local Change"}funcdirectChange(){// Directly updating the property on 'shared'"Direct Change"}}
withObservationTracking is the only programmatic use allowed in this framework. It fires just once, so if you want continuous observation you’ll need a recursive call to re-establishes observation on every change (see below). Example.
importFoundationimportOSLogfuncstringDump(_object:Any)->String{varoutput=""dump(object,to:&output)returnoutput}funcdiffStringDumps(_dump1:String,_dump2:String)->String{letlines1=dump1.components(separatedBy:.newlines)letlines2=dump2.components(separatedBy:.newlines)vardiff=""letmaxLines=max(lines1.count,lines2.count)foriin0..<maxLines{ifi<lines1.count&&i<lines2.count{iflines1[i]!=lines2[i]{diff+="- \(lines1[i])\n+ \(lines2[i])\n"}}elseifi<lines1.count{diff+="- \(lines1[i])\n"}elseifi<lines2.count{diff+="+ \(lines2[i])\n"}}returndiff}@ObservableclassPerson:CustomStringConvertible{varname:Stringvarage:Intinit(name:String,age:Int){}funcobserve(){letoldDesc=description_=withObservationTracking{// tracking}onChange:{// This closure runs when the Observable macro still didn't apply the change.// The async schedules the closure in the next runloop iteration so we can observe the change.DispatchQueue.main.async{letdiff=diffStringDumps(oldDesc,self.description)print(diff)self.observe()}}}vardescription:String{"""
name: \(name)
age: \(age)
- name: Alice
+ name: Bob
If class has incompatible annotation (like @ModelActor), conform to Observable protocol instead
// Pre-iOS 17classDataStore:ObservableObject{@Publishedvarcount:Int// opt-in to trackletidentifier:UUID// not tracked}// iOS 17@ObservableclassDataStore{varcount:Int// tracked@ObservationIgnoredletidentifier:UUID// opt-out to not track}
Replace @StateObject
Use let to change properties, or @State if you also change the instance itself
@State now handles both value and reference types
// Pre-iOS 17structTodoView:View{// reference type needs @StateObject@StateObjectvarstore=TodoStore()...}// iOS 17structTodoView:View{// @State handles both value and reference types@Statevarstore=TodoStore()...}
Replace @ObservedObject
Use @Bindable for @Observable classes in a child when you need $ syntax
Keep using @Binding for value types
Keep using @Binding for @Model objects
// Pre-iOS 17structTodoView:View{@ObservedObjectvarstore:TodoStore// reference type needs @ObservedObject@Bindingvarcount:Int// value type keeps using @Binding@Bindingvarmodel:TodoModel// @Model types keep using @Binding...}// iOS 17structTodoView:View{@Bindablevarstore:TodoStore// use @Bindable when $ binding needed@Bindingvarcount:Int// value types unchanged@Bindingvarmodel:TodoModel// @Model unchanged...}
// Pre-iOS 17structTodoView:View{@EnvironmentObjectvarstore:TodoStore...}ContentView().environmentObject(todoStore)// iOS 17@ObservableclassTodoStore{// mark it @Observablevartodos:[Todo]...}structTodoView:View{@Environment(TodoStore.self)varstore// replace...}ContentView().environment(TodoStore.self,todoStore)// new injection by type.environment(\.todoStore,todoStore)// new injection by keyPath
A view renders data from the Person observable object.
SwiftUI runtime reads the code, notices it has an observable object, and creates a tracking wrapper similar to this:
withObservationTracking{_=Text(}onChange:{// schedule this view for refresh (private API)}
During view rendering, the getter for name triggers an access call:
This call records in thread-local storage that this property was accessed during the view's render. Internally, the ObservationRegistrar maintains a mapping linking this specific property (object + keyPath) to the view update function provided in the onChange callback.
When name is modified:
willSet and didSet are called
The registrar looks up all observers (view update functions) registered for this property
Each registered observer is notified, which in this case triggers SwiftUI to schedule the view for refresh using the onChange callback registered during the tracking (step 2).
The framework is thread-safe to prevent data races, which supports the use of withObservationTracking outside SwiftUI. The ObservationRegistrar uses an internal _ManagedCriticalState which wraps a mutex (using the new Swift 6 Mutex). All state mutations in ObservationRegistrar happen within this critical region:
access tracking
registration of observers
A takeaway point is that while mutations are thread-safe, we still need to mutate only on the main thread for objects used in SwiftUI. While SwiftUI might have internal mechanisms to handle updates from a background thread, it’s not documented or guaranteed. The safer approach is to mutate Observable properties on the main thread, especially when they drive UI updates.
So yes, you need to perform this dance:
Button("Load Data"){Task{// fetching on a background threadletdata=awaitfetchSomeData()// switch to{myObservable.items=data// always mutate on main thread}}}
The beginning of a general framework
…the current implementation of Observable was pretty much tailor made for SwiftUI (so much so that I wonder if even withObservationTracking(_:onChange:) should have been under SPI...) Anyway, the plan is to enhance it for more general use-cases – but that hasn't happened yet. -source
Looking at the private enum ObservationKind we see several events:
ValuesObserver seems designed to implement specialized patterns. Example.
Streaming changes
The following example doesn’t compile because certain Observation APIs aren’t public. Nonetheless, it illustrates how we could listen for changes on arbitrary objects.
letsensor=TemperatureSensor()lethistory=TemperatureHistory()// A possible use: // custom storage for changes of an arbitrary object.sensor._$observationRegistrar.context.registerValues(for:[\.currentTemp],storage:history)sensor.currentTemp=20.5sensor.currentTemp=21.0sensor.currentTemp=21.5// Object being tracked@ObservableclassTemperatureSensor{varcurrentTemp:Double=0}// Custom storageclassTemperatureHistory:ValueObservationStorage{privatevarreadings:[Double]=[]privateletmaxReadings:Intinit(maxReadings:Int=10){self.maxReadings=maxReadings}overridefuncemit<Element>(_element:Element)->Bool{guardlettemp=elementas?Doubleelse{returnfalse}readings.append(temp)ifreadings.count>maxReadings{readings.removeFirst()}print("New reading: \(temp)°C")print("History: \(readings)")returnfalse// false = keep observing}overridefunccancel(){print("Stopped temperature monitoring")readings=[]}}
Third party implementations
If we look at the swift-perception from Pointfree the mechanism is very similar to Apple’s. However, not having access to the SwiftUI internal magic, clients need to do the wrapping themselves calling WithPerceptionTracking.
ObservationBP is another implementation which replicates Apple’s very closely. It uses this ObservationView.swift wrapper. The refresh is forced through a change in local @State, same trick used by WithPerceptionTracking.
'@Observable' cannot be applied to actor type
Actors are designed to protect their mutable state through actor isolation, ensuring that only one task can access the actor’s state at a time. But the Observation framework is designed to work synchronously and notify inmediately. If you want to mix both models you have to
Store the state to observe in a @Observable type, then store this type inside the actor.
Or store the actor in an @Observable type, call it asynchronously, then update state with the result.
Value must conform to Observable
Two common reasons for this:
Primitive values don’t conform to Observable.
Optionals are not not Observable either, even when the wrapped type is.
// error: primitives are not Observable@Bindablevarcontent:String// error: 'init(wrappedValue:)' is unavailable: // The wrapped value must be an object that conforms to Observable@Bindablevarfoo:ChallengeEditingViewModel?// works: ChallengeEditingViewModel is Observable and not optional@BindablevarviewModel:ChallengeEditingViewModel
If you need your data to be optional, consider creating an enum with two states, one of them being the @Observable class that you need to track.
Invalid redeclaration of synthesized property
Problem: @Observable and @Bindable they both try to generate a backing storage property. This happens when we want to track and modify properties on a view model.
@ObservablefinalclassChallengeEditingViewModel{@Bindablevarchallenge:ChallengeDetail// Invalid redeclaration of synthesized property '_challenge'
Solution: If you need @Bindable also add @ObservationIgnored.
Observation will still work as demonstrated in this example.
Example of @ObservationIgnored @Bindable
Updates to the parent and child view happen with each press of the counter, even when the viewmodel uses @ObservationIgnored @Bindable.
importSwiftUI@ObservableclassCounter{varcount:Int=0}@ObservableclassTestViewModel{@ObservationIgnored@Bindablevarcounter:Counterinit(counter:Counter){self.counter=counter}}structParentView:View{letviewModel=TestViewModel(counter:Counter())varbody:someView{VStack(spacing:20){Text("Counter: \(viewModel.counter.count)")Button("Increase"){viewModel.counter.count+=1}ChildView(viewModel:viewModel)}.padding()}}structChildView:View{letviewModel:TestViewModelvarbody:someView{VStack{Text("Child View")Text("Counter in child: \(viewModel.counter.count)")}.padding().background(Color.gray.opacity(0.2)).cornerRadius(8)}}
Note that in this example let viewModel didn’t need @Bindable. If Counter had been added directly to the view, it would need @Bindable to track the changes, like in the code below. However, it is not the case if the view owns an Observable reference object that owns another reference object where the state is.
structChildView:View{// @Bindable needed because we bind directly to a Counter@Bindablevarcounter:Counter...
The key distinction is:
When a view directly owns an @Observable object it needs @Bindable
When a view owns an @Observable object that contains other @Observable objects it doesn't need @Bindable
Codable sees a property generated by the Observation framework and adds an annoying warning telling you it won’t be decoded. The solution is to add explicit CodingKeys to indicate which properties you want to decode.
And by now I know I can toggle Folder.isExpanded in several ways:
// 1. directfolder.isExpanded.toggle()// 2. assign a modified copycategory.folders[0]=folder.copy(isExpanded:)// 3. assign the folder copy to a category, // then assign the category copy to the librarylibrary.categories[0]=category.copy(folders:)
Problem: Ways 1 (direct) and 2 (assign folder copy) stop refreshing the view after I execute way 3 (assign category copy). Can you figure out why? Gist reproducing the bug.
The cause is a mix of several conditions:
ForEach tracks by id while Observation tracks by object reference.
Category implements equatable comparing its properties
The toggle is shown in a child view with a ForEach using name as id
If you remove Equatable from Category SwiftUI stops using the Equatable shortcut and notices the object is different.
If you do categories[categoryIndex] = categories[categoryIndex] it triggers an extra render that refreshes the child.
If you inline the child in the parent there’s no separate subview with a local reference, so each render sees the up-to-date category from the parent.
If you add ObjectIdentifier(lhs) == ObjectIdentifier(rhs) && to the Equatable it uses the object’s memory address in the comparison so Swift detects a new object again even using Equatable.
Create a renderKey that changes with each mutation and use it as id in ForEach. Then use a different stable ID for Core Data.
structRenderIDKey:ViewModifier,Equatable{letrenderId:UUIDfuncbody(content:Content)->someView{content// no visual change, but Equatable forces SwiftUI to compare}staticfunc==(lhs:RenderIDKey,rhs:RenderIDKey)->Bool{lhs.renderId==rhs.renderId}}
Collection Operations in Nested @Observable Objects
A common source of problems when working with the Observation framework involves collection mutations within nested observable objects. This can lead to unexpected view reinitializations instead of simple updates. Yet another reason to watch the lifecycle of your objects. SwiftUI hides a lot of complexity at the cost of requiring careful attention to state management patterns.
When you directly modify collections with methods like append, remove, swapAt, or array subscript operations:
// Direct modification - may cause reinitialization issuesappState.sequenceQuestion.items.swapAt(0,1)
This can cause SwiftUI to completely reinitialize views rather than just update them. You might see this issue when:
Parent views are recreated unnecessarily
Components with @Observable annotations are reinitialized
State is lost between operations
Console logs show multiple initializations of the same component
The Solution: Copy-Then-Replace Pattern
Always use the copy-then-replace pattern for collections in nested observable objects:
// Create a copyvaritemsCopy=appState.sequenceQuestion.items// Modify the copyitemsCopy.swapAt(0,1)// Replace the entire arrayappState.sequenceQuestion.items=itemsCopy
This pattern ensures that:
The Observation framework properly detects the change as a single property update
SwiftUI updates only the affected views rather than recreating components
Component state is preserved
Debugging Collection Observation Issues
If you suspect you’re encountering collection observation issues:
Add UUID identifiers to your @Observable classes and log initialization: